Why I’m angry

October 30, 2010

…and you should be too.  One of the usual criticisms of any woman who speaks her mind is that she’s angry, as if it is completely illegitimate for a woman to ever be angry about anything.  If a woman expresses displeasure, she isn’t really angry about what she says she is.  No, it must have something to do with her silly irrelevant feelings.  Maybe she feels jilted and wants to take it out on everyone.  Who knows, women are such mysterious (ancillary) creatures it hardly matters.  Women should never be angry or have opinions, you see.

So when I get angry about some very real injustices it comes as no shock that most people who may otherwise agree with me criticize me for being angry.  I’m supposed to put up with all the the garbage with a smile and apologize for my own anger at being wronged.  It was an offense for me to speak up in the first place.  It’s a natural (sexist) double standard that both men and women enforce on women without thinking about it.  If you want people to like you, a woman can never be seen as “angry”.  It’s unfeminine to have opinions and to speak up for yourself.

I understand why people don’t want to be seen as mean or angry.  I understand that most people just want to get along and have others think nice things about them for the most part.  What I don’t understand is why others like me aren’t angry about our predicament at the hands of the GLBT.  Why aren’t they angry about gay men speaking for us?  Why aren’t they angry about the damage that has been done to our legal rights since the transgender have started impersonating us?  Why do they meekly accept whatever they are told?  Do they even feel vestigial anger, privately to themselves, at the injustice that they must feel on some level even if it is buried deep?

Then there is the phenomenon of people who agree with me yet feel the need to criticize me for a strident tone or being abrasive.  If you can think of a better way to start getting this point across to the know-nothings in the trans crowd, by all means go right ahead and put that plan into action.  It probably doesn’t occur to anyone that reasonable discussion has been tried, and resulted in the current situation.  No, angry writing isn’t going to solve the problem by itself.  But people speaking up and voicing opposition to the transsexual blackout that has characterized the situation for the last 15 years is a start.

When I say I am angry about a specific list of things, that’s actually what I am angry about.  There is no secret agenda at work here, I am not going hormonal.  I really, truly am pissed right off at gay politics and the lies told about transsexualism by the GLB-Tg.  That’s all there is to it.  I thought I was pretty clear about that, but apparently some people feel that the subtle nuance of my unbridled anger requires interpretation.  Let me assure you, that when people get pissed about being silenced and spoken for, that is what they are really pissed about.

So thanks for making excuses for me, to preserve my femininity.  Thanks for reducing -our- issue to one of some personal grievance that only I must have, to insulate your own feelings from criticism.  Thanks for sucking up to the people who use and abuse us so that you personally will be liked.  And most of all thanks for letting this abhorrent treatment of all of us to continue by your meek acquiescence.  I’m sure our masters appreciate it all.

I don’t apologize one bit for being angry at the shit that is still going on.  I have every right to this anger, and so do you.  And in fact I suppose I am angry at those of you who enable this state of affairs in their scramble to be seen as one of the good ones.  Have you so little respect for yourselves that you’d sell everyone else out to be liked?  Did you ever stop and think that part of the problem you feel the way you do is BECAUSE of the very people you seek approval from?

Calling gay men out on their misogyny is not homophobia.  The alphabet soup tried to blame Choi’s outburst on the military culture, but I’ve never, ever heard straight guys say these particular kinds of things about women even when they were being complete asses.  I’ve never heard straight guys get bitchy and call women “fish”.  This antipathy that exists in the GLBT towards women and therefore transsexual women is real, and it is at the source of all our problems with them.  If they had the least little bit of respect for any of us, they wouldn’t stand for this sexist, misogynistic behavior.  Making excuses for racists, sexists, gynophobes, and misogynists makes you as bad as the people you are defending.

As it stands, a large number of those who live in the assigned GLBT ghetto  still feel somewhat entitled to control our access to rights as much as they can, though this is changing.  The extent of that control is debatable, but the fact that many in the GLBT believe it is their right and duty to control us is cause enough for action.  We have made great strides, aided by the prevailing social winds, in turning back these unwanted advances.  We must continue to push back and finish the job.  We must see this through.

As strange as it must sound, women do get to feel offended when they are offended, and men of any sort are not the deciders of that issue.  Maybe the word hasn’t gotten around the world yet, but the minority card is no longer playable in here in the States.  You don’t get a free pass on racism, sexism, or any of those other isms by virtue of membership in some imperially-designated “minority” group.  Those days are over… this country is starting to change, and the pace of that change is going to accelerate.  People are leaving their assigned ghettos and starting to speak up.  This is a wonderful time to move issues forward.  The status quo is falling apart and the vacuum that will briefly exist is a perfect time to establish new paradigms.  Catastrophe is opportunity.

This isn’t the time to be timid.  This isn’t the time for fear.  We stand at the beginning of a new era and the sky is the limit.  We will all have choices to make soon, and our judgment must be guided by our hearts.  Not what we wish was true, but what we in our hearts know to be true.  Stand together with those who will go forward, or stand out of the way.  You can’t play both sides of the fence any more, you must choose.  And the choice is clear:  Either you continue to live in that cloud of darkness created and maintained by those who benefit at your expense, or you choose to walk out into the light and live on your own terms, without fear of retribution.

You can do this.  All you have to do is choose.

“Marriage equality” versus same sex marriage (for transgenders)

October 11, 2010

One of the latest trends among those who shove the transgender religion down our throats is this mysterious notion that the phrase “marriage equality” is somehow different than the slightly older term “same sex marriage”.  This represents not only an affront to all post-corrected transsexual people, but is a reinterpretation of the political phrase itself as envisioned by the gay and lesbian political groups who coined it.

The chief proponent of this new interpretation of “marriage equality” is of course Autumn Sandeen.  In fact, I am not sure if anyone else currently has the temerity to reinterpret this central issue of gay politics without consulting anyone involved, but if there is one person who feels entitled to do so it would be Ms Sandeen.

This is the issue:  Transsexual people, by and large, do not feel that the same sex marriage debate  is our fight.  We argue that our current sex as reflected by genitals and other somatic criteria should be the standard by which we are judged.  The balance of traits that we posses is that of the sex to which we transitioned, and this obviates the need for our involvement with the gay and lesbian cause on this point.  There is of course much more to reticence of the 50,ooo+ post operative transsexuals who decline to engage or publicly accept this GLBT activism, but that is the basic premise.

The attack upon the status and lives of transsexual people takes the following basic form:  You are transgender regardless of what you think.  Therefore anyone who rises up in the activist ranks of the GLBT has the right and duty to speak for you.  Because *I* (the activist) view all things as a form of gender transgression, and I also take (tacit) the essentialist position that a person is their genitals at birth, you are not really the sex you say you are.  Therefore all your marriages are same sex by default, and fair game for my politics.  Pursuant to the need to continue the imprisonment of transsexuals in the gay ghetto, I the transgender activist will create a new category out of the existing terminology.  “Marriage equality” is not another name for the former “same sex marriage”; it is a term that encompasses same sex marriage as well as transgender marriages.

This would be quite a leap for anyone outside of the trans* ghetto, but it is par for the course within.  The chief proponent of this latest propaganda, in the transgender world, is Ms Sandeen, though the sentiment is widely held among the transgender who believe they are transsexual. (That last is an important point that needs to be discussed soon, blog posts will follow)  It all boils down to the notion that transsexual is part of transgender, and transgender is a form of being gay.  In essence, the only difference between gay and transgender is the clothes.  That may be the real problem here;  the TG/trans* activists hold the same bigoted views about sex as the people they claim to be fighting against.  Here is what Ms. Sandeen has to say on the topic:

“Marriage equality is the header that the LGBTQ community has for our community issues related to marriage. The solution to those common and related problems involve solutions that provide the results of the freedom to marry whomever one loves to all LGBTQ people, which includes the recognition of the gender identities of transgender people, transsexual people, and people who identify as both transgender and transsexual.”

“I know I say this over and over again: marriage equality is very much an issue for transgender people, transsexual people, and people who identify as both transgender and transsexual. The reasons why marriage equality is an issue for trans people are often very unalike from the reasons why marriage equality is an issue for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. But, the commonality of experience — where trans, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people don’t have the freedom to marry whomever they love — is why marriage equality is an issue for all of these minority populations.”

From www.marriageequality.org‘s get the facts page:

Canadian same-sex unions growing at five times that rate of heterosexual ones: census…

Same-sex unions are growing at five times the rate of opposite-sex ones according to census numbers that also reveal, for the first time, the number of homosexual marriages in Canada.

The historic Statistics Canada query on same-sex marriage, coming in the wake of Parliament legalizing such unions in 2005, revealed 7,465 homosexual marriages.

Clarence Lochhead of the Vanier Institute for the Family says the homosexual community’s successful fight for marriage reflects the desire to be accepted in the larger community.

And on and on.  click on the link and look at the number of times the term same sex marriage is used in just that first segment alone.  Next, from Marriage Equality New York:

Marriage Equality New York is an all-inclusive organization whose mission is to educate the public by raising awareness of the important right of all persons to enter into legally recognized gender neutral civil marriage with all the benefits and responsibilities that entails. Without marriage, committed same-sex couples are denied over 1,138 federal rights and obligations including social security, hospital visitation, co-parenting rights, estate tax, and immigration, just to name a few.

They at least mention the word gender (lol), but not in a context that supports the idea that Marriage Equality is about transgenders as a separate group from gays under this view of marriage.  Last and definitely least, let’s look at the wikipedia entry for Marriage Equality USA to get the official activists’ view of the subject, since WP pages seem to be owned by nutjobs of varying sorts with a political ax to grind:

Marriage Equality USA (Marriage Equality, or MEUSA) is a national organization fighting to secure the legal recognition of same-sex marriage through education and outreach in the United States. Officially founded in 2000, its mission statement is to secure legally recognized civil marriage equality for all, at the federal and state levels, without regard to gender identity or sexual orientation.

I could spend all day citing the facts here, but let’s take my word on this obvious truth and move on.  The only way that “Marriage Equality” encompasses post op transsexuals is if post op transsexuals are considered gay.  And that is exactly what Autumn Sandeen is saying.  I would expect to hear this from a certain number of uninformed people and a rather large number of gay men.  But I definitely do not expect to hear this hateful and bigoted view from people who claim to represent my interests.

Labeling us gay using this underhanded tactic is reprehensible, and clearly the action of an enemy.  Anyone who thinks that transsexual has something to do with being gay, or something to do with crossdressing in any way is completely ignorant of the truth of the condition and should not be considered a credible source when outlining our interests.  Such a person has demonstrated their complete ignorance of the subject, and therefore is not transsexual.  Anyone who has experienced this condition would never speak that way about themselves.


February 21, 2010

The transgender seem to be confused about rights. They don’t know what they really are, they just know they don’t have them. Like everything else when it comes to transgender they are long on words and short on specifics. You can’t really pin down TG philosophers to any particular position; nothing said is ever definitive. It’s all vague, rhetorical, and ever changing depending on the questions being dodged. That’s the nature of discourse when the truth is being obscured. Some transgender supporters recently even started to make noises of reconciliation with classic transsexuals and others who have issues with them. It should go without saying that they have not changed and their words should be ignored.

The fact remains that no matter how it is repackaged, transgender is intentionally harmful to transsexual. The concepts are wholly incompatible, and no amount of false promises or sweet talk will change that. Transgender simply cannot exist on its own without attaching itself to something real, i.e. the transsexual birth condition. It is necessary that transsexual is erased in this process in order for transgender to carry on. Anyone who supports the transgender version of reality needs to own this and admit to it. Moreover, there was never a time when the transgender intended to do right by us, so it begs belief that they all of a sudden have seen the light and will soon admit that we have separate “conditions”.

There is no middle ground here. Transgender “compromise” means that the other side gives up entirely and is destroyed. The concept of political correctness has been turned inside out to accomplish this by silencing people who are critical of transgender ways and means. This is a common pattern in politics these days.

It’s the fundamental dishonesty of the transgender “paradigm” that is so irksome. Everyone knows it’s utter nonsense, but we are all supposed to pretend that there is such a thing as people who are born with biological variance in their learned adult gender roles; a kind of intersex condtion that only affects clothing. We are supposed to pretend there is nothing sexual about what the transgender do. And while we are doing all this pretending, we are supposed to keep quiet and not be bothered by all the harm the transgender sexual fantasy does to real people out here. Harm to our reputations, our jobs, our legal status, and especially our families. We are supposed to bear this burden for them and accept all these things as our own, in silence.

It’s time to start speaking the truth about this. The original purpose of political correctness was to remind those with privilege that they have been blessed, and that they should remember that others aren’t as fortunate in a given social order. It was supposed to be about awareness and helping people understand each other. It has since lost its original meaning and now is employed to silence dissent.

The reason the transgender have been so heavy handed in their silencing of transsexual women is that they don’t want their secrets told. Classic transsexual people know exactly who the transgender are, probably better than anyone else. And if we choose to we can spill the beans to those in authority who can make things happen at the various levels of government. It was always a nuclear option that no one wanted to exercise, but the political situation is deteriorating rapidly.

The pace of transgender repudiation is picking up, and things are going to get worse. Out of sheer survival instinct it may be that some people have to make the case for difference clearly and sharply to those in the government who are about to come down on the trangender like a ton of bricks over the next few years. The transgender can hardly complain about this, as it has been their position since the start that they were willing to see transsexuals and their rights destroyed, spent on transgender wants.

Transgender is a choice, a political fiction at best. The true goal of transgender activists is to create a protected category with co-equal status to race and ethnicity under the law. Then, any member of the “majority” who finds themselves with a hankering for alternative sexuality can live it 24-7 with impunity. Much as political correctness has been twisted to its opposite end, laws aimed at protecting equality will be twisted to serve the needs of people who would not otherwise have access to such things. And in the process it will cheapen the law and have a decidedly negative impact on the rights of true minorities.

Far more than transsexual existence is at stake here- the transgender political “movement” is one of the many symptoms of our crumbling society and in its own little way it can contribute to the assault on the institutions that define our social fabric. These institutions cannot survive if their founding principles are debased by this kind of trickery. And there a thousand of these little cronyist schemes coming down the pike as people struggle to get their pound of flesh before the inevitable collapse of the current political environment.

There is no comparison between “transgender” and race, and no basis in rational law for creating protections out of whole cloth for people’s chosen sexual behavior, or their dysfunctional coping mechanisms. Any such parallel drawn by transgender activists to the civil rights struggle of African Americans and others is horribly insulting and completely wrong. It’s disgusting that this is going on. And I resent my condition being held up as an excuse for what they are doing.

I have a right to voice my dissent for this wrongdoing, and so does everyone else. No amount of phony political correctness is enough to take away our right to free speech on this matter. It is my reputation at stake and I have no choice about that. We classic transsexual people have not been given choice of non-involvement, due to the accident of our birth being exploited by opportunists who think its their right to create a brave new world of their own design over the wishes of everyone else.

This protest against the blatant power-mongering going on is the very essence of politics and political speech. It is thus protected speech here in the United States, and we all have a right to speak. There is no political correctness clause that can trump our right to free and unfettered speech in this matter. Simply put, any demands for silence by transgender supporters are flat out wrong and should be met with harsh criticism. And that goes for anyone who is tired of tg nonsense, whether you are classic transsexual, a gay man or lesbian woman fed up with the whole thing, a family member, or anyone else negatively impacted by this toxic “philosophy”. Speak up! It is your right. There will soon come a time and place when your voice will count for far more than all the years of transgender skullduggery combined.

The truth has a ring. Make sure the right people hear it.

A definitive test for transsexualism

January 30, 2010

The single defining characteristic of transsexual syndrome is the complete and total rejection of the of one’s reproductive sex. Specifically, the physical “markers” caused by male- or female-typical hormone milieus as a person matures cause a feeling of horror and revulsion. The most important “marker” of course being the genitalia. This is why there can be no such thing as a “non op” transsexual. If a person does not experience the symptom of having a problematic physical condition, i.e. rejecting the “markers” on their body, then it is not transsexualism. This is also why phrases like “woman trapped in a man’s body” do not really make sense to the person suffering from transsexualism: It is my body, I am a woman… things are just messed up and need to be fixed. Phrases designed for gay men 100 years ago should be cast aside.

There has been great difficulty in isolating this syndrome in the brain up until recently. There have been some interesting differences found in the hypothalamus, which point to biological causation. There have also been some recent in vivo studies done with the emerging fMRI technology that show the actual operation of the brain as being “cross sexed” with respect to reproductive sex. But the answer remains elusive because we continue to remain mired in the gender paradigm.

The problem is that even though these scientists are approaching the issue from a neurological perspective, they overlay social concepts of “gender” onto the results and indeed even predicate some of the work on it. In certain cases, they look for “gender markers” in the brain and seek out behavioral roots in white and gray matter. While this may be fascinating in a general sense to understand the differences between men and women, it does little to help a diagnosis of transsexualism.

There is so much overlap in many of the aspects of the brain between the (reproductive) sexes and without a more laser-like focus on specifics it is unlikely we will see anything like a “man brain” or “woman brain” model developed for quite some time. Without looking at what makes the brains truly dichotomous, and instead focusing on broad cognitive factors that exhibit themselves as behavior, we are stuck at the level of regarding everything on a sliding scale. This of course feeds into the less-than-helpful gender paradigm.

The fMRI technology can be put to more interesting uses in this area. Recently, a researcher hypothesized that the rejection of the primary “sex marker”, the penis, by “MtF transsexuals” was due to its not having a representation in the brain. Post operatively, transsexual women do not experience “phantom limb” after correction. This is a common characteristic of all those who experience “true”, or “classic” transsexualism. The findings indicate quite simply that the penis is not recognized by the brain as it is in males, giving us our first clue about the real transsexual condition. This of course could lead to all sorts of problems such as the perception of deformity, etc. This is transsexualism in a nutshell.

Using this as the fundamental diagnostic criterion a series of studies could be done to model the rest of the “transsexual brain” to look for other commonalities and finally unlock the truth behind transsexual syndrome. A more comprehensive model of the brain would follow, exposing areas that are closer to absolute in their dimorphism and leaving aside those with too much overlap to be of use. This could be carried out in conjunction with post-mortem studies cross referenced to relate the function being observed to physical structures being cataloged in a laboratory setting.

In the meantime, knowledge of this test could be used to aid diagnosis and fast track those who need surgery. Having a physiological test for a (now) physiological problem would have a greatly beneficial effect on efforts to have transsexualism removed from the mental disorder category. We completely remove the identity paradigm from our situation. No more hack sexologists trying to rule us.

Medical practitioners could use this one-to-one relationship of test-to-surgical-need to change the nature of how transsexualism is treated by insurance companies, reinforcing the stance that the AMA recently took. In doing this, they open the pathway for broad reimbursement of treatment as we now have a physical test for a physical malady. This is a strong case for insurance coverage.

In the process of placing it squarely in the medical realm, we also remove transsexualism completely from the gay world. Everyone will finally be able to see that this is not a “gender” or sexual orientation issue, because being gay does not require any treatment.

The association of natural sexual orientation with the physiological pathology of transsexualism has been entirely harmful to the equal rights movement for lesbian women and gay men. As a further result, the discovery of the real transsexual condition by medicine would stop the co-option of Intersex by the remains of the discredited gay lobby, as the wall of separation comes crashing down and it becomes politically impossible to reach through TS to get to IS. This should help spur the creation of a new rights movement to replace the GLBT with something that works. Achieving this separate state stands to benefit everybody involved in the politics here.

Those who do show this “representation of the penis” in the brain when tested could still access “gender change” through existing GID protocols, up to and including surgery if indicated by psychiatrists and psychologists. Or as more and more “classic transsexual” people have been forced to do, via “elective” surgery overseas.

It is time that those of us who were born to difference once again become the focus of the treatment designed to help us. Catering to the needs of non-transsexual people has wreaked havoc on our already-poor public image and has decimated the system put in place to help us. We have done enough tearing down over the years. Now it’s time to start building again.

“The Politics of Failure Have Failed”

January 28, 2010

Where do we go from here? This is the question that many people are asking themselves today. As the job situation remains bleak, debt mounts, and people become increasingly upset with the state of things here in the US, our leaders seem to be blindly pushing the same old agenda despite its obvious inadequacy.

This situation confronts us at every level of society from the Federal government to the local, from giant corporations to small business, and of course from the major political parties to their hangers-on in the lobby business. The GLBT construct as a corporate “movement” was no different. Last year, it got a wake up call.

2009 was not Pearl Harbor for the GLBT leadership. It was Waterloo.

The D.C. establishment, including the lobbyist sycophants, doesn’t quite understand this yet but bell has tolled for politics as usual, and we are quickly moving into a new phase of US political history. The times they are a’changing.

As Generation X moves into midlife, it has started to assume leadership roles in the institutions that define our nation’s character. This changing of the guard has profound consequences for society and it is going to take time for the true depth of these shifts to sink in. We have all gotten used to how things have been done for the past 25 years or so, and we feel that is “the way it is”. We have forgotten that things can be any other way, due to people’s famously short memory on such topics. The generational shift combined with the crises phase we are in is an explosive combination. Our world is about to turn upside down.

Generation X is the polar opposite of the preceding generation, but the comparison is best left to another post. Suffice to say due to the under-the-radar approach this generation takes the media has scarcely noticed it and has ill-prepared the public for the seismic shift in thinking that is about to take place across the country. This has profound implications for politics and movements like the GLBT.

At its inception in the 60’s, the gay movement represented a human rights protest to the inequity of society. As time went on it morphed into what we see today. It is a hierarchy designed to serve the desires of those at the top, using the lives of those underneath for fuel. Rising from its humble roots, the gay movement eventually became a tool of those with means, and turned into the GLBT.

Letter by letter people were subsumed into an imperialistic “movement” that told everyone to sit down and shut up until the plutocrats got what they wanted. It is no different than many other movements that matured out of their protest roots in the 60’s into the corporatist organizations we see today. This establishment-think at every level of politics is what has the public up in arms and feeling very underrepresented by those who rose to the top of the old order.

Elitist gay men at the helm of the GLBT cynically use the rank and file for their own purposes. They have organized everyone else to serve their own needs, while attempting to give the appearance of caring about the issues of the masses. The order of the letters has been a topic of conversation at times, which led to the superficial move of altering the order between G and L on occasion. But the purpose and operation of the of the so-called “gay lobby” has always been to meet the needs of the very few at the expense of the many. It’s all window dressing besides.

Where does the T question fit in to all this? It is readily apparent that T was swallowed up to give the elites a bargaining chip to throw away when the time is right. I don’t think anyone disputes that now. Also, the elites have a vested interest in TS/CT women becoming gay men in the eyes of the public, so they actively encourage this misrepresentation.

In this, they join the likes of Blanchard and his CAMH crew attempting to spread this ridiculous lie in the face of mounting biological evidence to the contrary. It has gone so far that we have come to the point where the agenda of the sexologists to draw “IS” into the gender fight intersects with the GLBT lobby’s need for new tools in their arsenal in their time of desperation. This is a sign of the absolute bankruptcy of two small groups of people who have wielded far too much power over the lives of many. It is here the breaking point will come, and rip the GLBT facade asunder.

Generation X is rising to power, and we have no time for old games played under the old rules. We have our own ideas about how things should be done. The GLBT construct’s time is over; it is a remnant of the old order that must be swept away to allow for advancement of human rights for all people, not just the elite. It is time to evolve.

Putting so many different people together to serve the needs of the few at the top is not a movement: It is an imperial prison. We have come full circle from gays and lesbians protesting the establishment in the 60’s to the few, the proud, the well-off among them becoming the establishment in the 90’s and 00’s, proving that the GLBT has done some good in its own way, in its time, and served its purpose. It has, however, become overripe and in its hubris is doing more harm than good. At this point certain people seek special favors from the authorities above them, and in entreating their betters they promise to keep everyone else down. Is this the future that everyone really wants? Is this the promise of a brighter tomorrow?

Time marches on, and we go forward. While recognizing the contributions of those who braved the front before us, we must forge our own destiny. There is no resting on laurels when it comes to improving the human condition. Lesbian women and gay men have a wonderful opportunity to make great strides in equality as the new generations come into their own. 2009 will be a distant memory soon. And we, outsiders caught up in the frenzy will have our own peace as well. I know that day is coming too.

Speak out against the platitudes; they are a narcotic. Voice your discontent. Challenge authority, and take the reigns of leadership from those who would drive you to ruin for their own petty needs.

A new day is dawning. Our time is now.

Brain Sex

January 21, 2010

I don’t believe in gender.  Not the concept, not the identity, nothing.  There is no such thing as gender outside the labeling scheme cooked up by academics.

Something needs to be cleared up here about what I believe to be the transsexual condition.  I am sure many people believe that transsexual means man or woman with a birth defect, and I share that viewpoint to some extent.  But I want to isolate this issue to the barest minimum to facilitate understanding.

I believe the transsexual condition is a state of being brought on in an organism when two of its systems are out of alignment, putting it out of homeostasis and creating the symptoms that we call “transsexualism”.  That is it.  The fact that so many of us perceive ourselves as nothing more than men and women is another issue.  There is no gender involved, no identity issues, and no psychological component to the transsexual condition.  There is no sexual orientation as an organizing principle, nor a magic checklist.  It simply is, or it isn’t.

When I say I am a woman it is because after correction, having achieved a state of homeostasis and now being comfortable, that is where the balance of traits that I now possess has been grouped and labeled by society.  This is also the same way that society labels the balance of traits of babies when they are born.  In this, we are no different than other men or women who accept society’s system for such things.

That is why we are men and women, and there is no more to it.  All the gender theorizing and navel gazing is wrong about this, and it is irrelevant.  There is no “brain sex” as such, for brain sex is a term, while having the appearance of hard definition, that is steeped in gender identity theory,  gendered politics, and their underlying assumptions.  I reject these kinds of subtle forays of the gender paradigm into science.

Being a minority by accident of birth is nothing new to humanity.  People recognize many “minorities” and much politicking has been done over identity.  It is important that the concepts of minority and majority remain tied to their overall meaning, that of who holds power, and do not themselves become mired in the specific identities of the various situations where identity politics is practiced.

Transsexual is not an identity to be bandied about by people looking for an issue.  It is an awful state of being for a person, one that must be corrected.  There is only one transsexual condition.  One.

Some people seek to redefine transsexual from its current useless meaning of  “anyone who has a sex change” to something with more validity.  I am one of those people.  The others include the TG, as well as certain sexologists and others in the Psych Industry.  Right now all the power for labeling rests with the people who have the least to lose by our destruction and the most to gain by our continued misrepresentation.  While the TG politicians are a problem, the chief danger they present is that they open us to attack by our real enemies; those who “study” us in sexology.

As I’ve written before, I believe that Paul McHugh is trying to give cover to the Catholic Church in the ongoing pedophile priest scandal.  He is seeking a scapegoat.  McHugh knows that he can’t pin this on gay men as a whole because society will not allow that, despite the recent push by Blanchard for “ephebophilia” to be included in the next DSM.  But what if they could redefine transsexual women as gay men?

Certainly this would be a great boon, as the bargaining chip of ephebophilia is withdrawn (because it was merely a starting point to scare gay men) .  And now transsexual “men”, the gayest of the gay, are offered up as sacrifice, the price for gays to remain free from stigma.  The gay men, being our keepers, will not hesitate to make that bargain.

And how is this accomplished?  The scurrilous James Cantor, who works in the area of pedophilia, has already attempted to label our brains as being similar to pedophiles.  He offered up the hypothesis that our brains show markers for abnormal sexuality, rather than “gender markers”, both prospects being off base of course.

Another problem with the BNSTc finding is that the BNSTc is also smaller in pedophiles. So the BNSTc could be related to atypical sexuality generally rather than to gender identity specifically. (For the record: This should not be misinterpreted comparing transsexualism to pedophilia.)

Do you all see the kind of underhanded, backbiting tactics and agenda we are up against? Of course we all know that it is the BSTc, and not the BNSTc that is in question. But by spreading this sort of vicious rumor Cantor seeks to poison the public mind to us and begin our labeling as sexual deviants, his disclaimers be damned. Political types, especially those in psychology, know how the public reacts and how easy it is to manipulate people.

This has been an ongoing effort of McHugh, Blanchard, and their cronies for a long time now. By reclassifying the symptoms of transsexualism and transvestitism into a single category, and renaming it “autogynephilia”, they have completed the colonization and erasure of men and women like us that the TG started. And now they come to their endgame.

Transwoman Jasper Gregory Soldiers On

January 14, 2010

Jasper has been exploring the world of the love that dare not speak its name, becoming a “tranny dyke”, as she terms it.  She would be amusing if she wasn’t so darn aggressive and offensive elsewhere.  This time she has decided to approach “lesbian separatists” and after being taken to school on some of their blogs, has backtracked and now just wants to be friends.

Ms Jasper, despite the post modern rhetoric, separates people into two categories that inform the rest of her philosophy.  Like virtually all transgender activists, Jasper uses the designation “Male at Birth” and “Female at Birth” to build the rest of her house-of-cards point of view.  They may refer to these categories differently, such as “assigned male” or whatever, but you get the idea.  So Jasper goes on about MAB’s and FAB’s.

What is interesting is how Ms Jasper has suddenly decided that lesbian separatists have a point, after being strongly rebuffed.  She has now entered a friendly dialogue with her new friends where she bargains away the rights of others under the premise that she is the same as everyone else she decides is “MAB” and therefore is somehow duly appointed to represent everyone. The irony of a “horizontal” philosopher who sets up hierarchies is lost on Ms. Jasper.

First, I’d like to state that I have no interest in the “radical lesbian” or “lesbian separatist” argument. That is something the TG politicians have brought on themselves, using us as some kind of assault weapon.  Because the TG have successfully made our birth condition the equivalent of fetish transvestitism under their “umbrella”, nobody knows who we are any more.  This erasure was necessary in order to pursue the “male lesbian” scenario, among other things.    Those lesbian women who find themselves under attack from the trans hordes are prefectly within their rights to resist the invasion.  That is much of what we are trying to do as well.

Transwomen like Jasper are the ultimate expression of transgender.  She is the perfect TG.  Also like other TG activists, despite all of her “radical” theory, she falls back into the same binary that we all live in and respects the rights of those “FAB” people while ignoring those of transsexual men and women.  Jasper does this because she claims that transsexuality doesn’t exist.  There is nothing radical about postmodernism in the end.

I was having a bit of fun watching Ms Jasper’s antics, until I read some of the things she was saying about the transsexual condition more closely. Because Jasper says that “male femininity” is just a variation, she out and out denies that there are children who suffer from a real physiological transsexual condition. Her uninformed viewpoint comes down to the same old thing as many of the TG and other outsiders; if society were just more accepting, transsexuality wouldn’t exist. What an ignorant, arrogant, and horrible opinion.

In the comments thread on my last post, a discussion broke out about children and their parents who deal with these sorts of issues sprang up towards the end. The fact that children are subjected to the label transgender, or “gender” anything is deeply troubling to me. I strongly believe that burdening children with all the adult sexual baggage that comes with the “transgender” label is grossly unfair to them, and may be dangerous to their mental and possibly physical health later in life. The stigma of these things never goes away once unleashed, and that is a tragedy because there are other ways of dealing with these issues.

I think this provides the strongest reason of all for ending the concept of transgender as involuntary umbrella. All of this gender proselytizing does have an effect; it even impacts how doctors and other professionals treat their patients, unfortunately. I was one of those children once, and I know what kind of damage that nonsense can do, Jasper. Shame on you and your transgender allies for your part in this.

I don’t take kindly to people who want to make light of this birth defect. People who want to erase it into a system of gendered nonsense for their own prurient interests deserve to be vilified for the real harm they do. When transgender activists like Ms. Jasper misrepresent who and what we are to other people, impersonating us in their fun and games, they do malicious damage to everyone who was born with the transsexual condition.

And I especially abhor being used as a weapon against other women. The TG and their activists are always quick to do that; it seems to be one of their main goals in co-opting transsexuality.

I’m not sure if Ms. Jasper will post my comment in its entirety on her blog; she seems to be into creative editing for favorable context. So I’ll post it here.

Yeah, here’s the thing Jasper. I was born physiologically “different” than you, and your denial of that just makes you look silly. We have no “shared origin at birth”; your claim is an attack on my personal sovereignty as well as reality.

Just so you know people like me have “trans-hoods”, not childhoods; we never develop that understanding of “male as self” that you did. Our experience of the world from birth until death is fundamentally different from yours. I share no experience of maleness with you in that sense. Are you starting to see why you are wrong about the transsexual birth condition?

When you mocked those “MtF” people by telling them who they are, you committed an act of political and personal violence against them. The reason they deny being “male” is because, if they were born transsexual, they never were. Not in the sense you demand that they be, for your own purposes. You are fixated on genitals like most men, thinking that they absolutely define physical brain structure, if you think of that aspect at all.

All this theorizing has as its goal to erase women and invade their space, using people like me as a battering ram. You do not have my permission to do this, nor any post-transsexual person’s as far as I know. This is another reason I oppose the TG political construct- it has become a weapon against women.

You can try to turn it around all you like, as you have done in the posts above this one. That is known as “imposing your will”, something that you “MAB” people seem to be very good at. You don’t even see how aggressive and domineering you are, do you?

That’s what is known as “male privilege”. I deal with that all the time from TG’s. And it seems you are going down that same route.

You do not speak for me. You do not speak for “transsexuals”. You do not speak for anyone but yourself. If you want to invade women’s space, you do it all on your own with no excuses.

Reader mail

December 31, 2009

One of the people who read my blog wrote me a note, and I thought she had a good question. Why do I write this, after exhorting people to “move on”. While the writer meant it as a honest, serious question, it also happens to be a common criticism from the people who want to erase the distinction between transgender and transsexual. So I’ll answer and handle two things at once.

I want to clear something up: My main focus is not about transition, and I am not particularly interested in trying to counsel people, or argue about personalities or make judgments on specific people. Occasionally someone starts a conversation in the comments section and in genuine concern for this person, I’ll give my opinion of what will lead to the greatest happiness, long term, for the post-transsexual person.

I write under the assumption that the vast majority of people who are coping with real transsexualism have come to an understanding of what is really going on long before they get to the internet, and blogs like this. To speak to them of these things is preaching to the choir. I do however hope to offer an alternative viewpoint to those few real transsexual people who read blogs with an eye to their future plans, that may yet be solidifying them and are thinking about involving themselves with the TG.

I am not telling people that to be a “real transsexual” you have to pursue correction in any particular fashion. The notion that process and surgery defines who is and isn’t transsexual is totally false; we are born, not scheduled in.

In fact, I am not interested in sorting people into bins at all, except when they attempt to do so to me. It is a strange situation when good manners in dealing with people also push you to the limits of sanity… and addressing certain TG glitterati by their preferred pronouns naturally sticks in your throat. What I am saying, to those who will listen, is that putting the needs of transsexual men and women into the hands of patently non-transsexual “TG” care is a recipe for disaster.

So, here’s my response to that letter.

Hello 🙂

I’m not really writing a blog about how people should transition. I’m writing about how there is such a thing as a real transsexual biological condition, and that we who have experienced it are ill-served by the assumption that we are all supportive of a particular brand of politics. Namely, that we all are automatically part of the GLBT, and beholden to anyone speaking in that group who calls themselves transgender. I find it intolerable that crossdressing men speak on women’s issues, and even more outrageous is their casual assumption that we should shut up and let them do all the talking.

My main goal is to put out a lamp in the darkness for people who may be questioning their sudden forced inclusion in the GLBT ghetto. I’m not interested in creating some GLBT-style group, political action committee, public persona, or some weird movement. It’s just about telling people like you and me it’s ok to go your own way. Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself; you really are different from them. They certainly wouldn’t lift a finger to help any of us, and in many cases these “community leaders” are actively hostile to our interests. Case in point is the ridiculous way they bring suit against various states to advance the transgender agenda, which usually ends up costing us some hard-won legal gains that we have enjoyed for decades, such as the ability to change our birth certificates.

That brings me to the other reason I write. I see a terrible danger to us because it costs these people NOTHING to roll the dice with our rights. They claim to be us, go into court, and if they win, great. Usually they don’t, and we (transsexual background people) have a set back. No big deal to the transgender lobby, they still have everything they had before, i.e. the rights of their birth sex plus more due to their appropriation of “transsexual”. They can keep gambling away using our legal status until its all gone and shrug their shoulders and say “Oh well”, before moving on to their next kink.

Sorry to be so wordy, I just wanted to tell you why I still care. Yes, I have moved on in my real (non-internet) life as you have. At the same time I am not blind to the danger of poisonous politics. This stuff can still come back and bite us, and we should at least have one eye on the GLBT as long as that construct exists in its current form that claims us as constituents. With any luck, we can get some other people to say “enough is enough” too, and start voicing their concerns.

Take care, and thanks for writing 🙂

When Silence Isn’t Golden

September 14, 2009

The recent Bilerico post by TG poster girl Monica Helms was followed by the usual round of comments. Tobi Hill-Meyer is a rather nice person who goes by the genderqueer label, and I’ve never seen her engaging in the kind of attacks that the hardcore TG types do on a regular basis. So my post is not aimed at her, and I am not trying to target her in any way. I would like, however, to point something out to her and other people that associate with the hardcore transgender.

The problem with the “umbrella” model is that when it consists of many people shoved together against their will, leaders that arise (self-appointed usually) do not represent the interests of all the people. They represent only their own wishes. You can ignore the situation only so long as the self-appointed “leaders” do nothing too objectionable. As we know, the TG have long since passed that point with transsexual-born people and now are moving to take a more active role in other areas, such as Intersex issues.

This follows the pattern they used when taking over the term transsexual. First claim association, then claim equivalency, and finally achieve supremacy, replacing the group they have targetted.

Tobi says:

Second of all, it shouldn’t matter. If you think Monica is attacking you, you’re not going to deem her a representative of all African Americans and announce that African Americans are attacking you, right? You’re not going to say she represents all lesbians and announce that lesbians are attacking you, right? So why is it appropriate to deem her a representative of all non-ops and announce that non-ops are attacking you?

That’s prejudice 101. When a person from another group wrongs you, it doesn’t mean all people from that group will act similarly.

Where are all the non-ops and genderqueers? Some of them are defending you, right here, even before you arrived. But most of them aren’t reading Bilerico, living their lives, and could care less about what someone on the internet said.

I think this is a misunderstanding. What I was trying to communicate to her is that when a group remains silent, people WILL speak for you. Whether it is whites for silent oppressed African-Americans though the complete domination of the culture and country, or transgenders speaking for people with birth defects.

The point being missed is that when the leadership of a group speaks, it is the voice of the group itself. It doesn’t matter that not every single TG out there may not agree. What matters is that the dominant voices speak, and the silence of the rest is taken as tacit agreement by the public.

When you remain silent in this situation, the words of the TG “leaders” are your words. They go on television to speak for you while you are off the internet, living your lives. They write on mainstream blogs, and in newspapers to “educate” the public about you. They show up in court to litigate cases that affect your rights. They speak to doctors and psychiatrists and tell them who you are. This isn’t the harmless internet exercise that you seem to think.

There is no genderqueer to the public. You are TG to them, the same as all the full-time fetishists and weekend crossdressing het males who show up on talk shows with their wives. TG has swallowed your identity, and you have no voice.

Despite what Tobi believes to be defense of me and my position, as gays, lesbians, and genderqueer, she and they can’t possibly know what my position is without asking me or other transsexual-born people. To think otherwise is appropriation. Defending the right to “stealth” is an insult. Why do all these people, interlopers really, feel they get to have an opinion in the first place?

This is why transsexual-born people must speak for ourselves, with no “help” from outsiders like the TG. Talking about “stealth” as if it is a real concept is not something a friend would do. And nobody there will ever admit that we are different by birth.

The GLBT needs to understand that we are not obligated to them. We are simply women who were born with a birth defect. That does not give their TG component the right to speak for us. And it certainly doesn’t give them the right to tell us who we are, or how to live our lives.

Bilerico has a habit of placing self-declared non-women in the role of speaking for women. And when women protest, their comments are edited out as “insulting”. This is a startling display of misogyny, but it is commonplace for this gay-centered blog. Is this the brave, new Glbt?

To Tobi and all the others who identify as genderqueer, I am saying this only as a bit of advice from experience, not as a criticism or attack. If you don’t want the TG “leaders” speaking for you, you’d better speak for yourselves. Loudly and often.